The yellow light of death just plain sucks. The Yellow light has to top the list as stupid problem that PS3 users have to deal with. After you drop a few hundred bucks on a high end console you expect that you will enjoy it for a long time, then boom, you get darn light and you know that you are going have to waste game playing time and money to fix the yellow light of death. We're going to help you out with 3 tips on how to fix the yellow light of death.Turn the PS3 off and give it some time to cool offYou know when you call tech support, one of the first things they ask you to do is to restart your system.
They do this because sometimes it is just as simple as restarting your system, but in this case it will be the console. Be sure to give the console at least 20 to 30 good minutes before turning it back on. For the Plant grow lights brilliant rocket scientists that keep their system on for a week on a God of War 3 marathon, it may be as simple as your system overheating. 30 minutes should be sufficient in cooling the console down if this is indeed the problem. Since you are turning it off, you will also want o do a quick check of all the cables to make sure they are connected correctly. Also rip the hard drive out put it back in to make sure that is firmly inserted like it should be. This may help solve the yellow light of death.
Give Sony their Yellow Lit BrickSo you turned it off and waited for countless hours and it still doesn't work? Well then my friends, overheating probably isn't your problem. It's a very easy way to fix the yellow light of death, but if you're one of the truly unlucky ones then you have a more serious problem with your console. One option is to contact Sony and arrange to send it back to them to fix the yellow light of death. Hopefully you've kept your warranty up to date. If not, expect to spend $150 to get the yellow light of death fixed. Also don't expect a quick turnaround as it will be at least a month before you get your console back from getting the yellow light of death fixed.Go MacGuyver, fix the yellow light of death yourself.Paperclip, check. Screwdriver, check. That shipping it back to Sony idea is looking better and better. Just kidding. If you are technically inclined, you may want to save your hard earned money and take a stab at fixing the yellow light of death yourself. It is not as difficult as you may think and most people can do it safely and without much hassle. Again, going at it yourself does save money if your warranty has expired and you'll be able to keep all the data on the hard drive. Understand that Sony will most likely clear the contents of your drive in the troubleshooting process, so if your racked up all kinds of high scores and downloaded games, this may be the best option in fixing the yellow light of death.Now before you start unscrewing stuff, make sure to get a PS3 Yellow Light Fix Guide so you will actually know what you are doing when trying to fix the yellow light of death.
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